Mailer Number 1
After I made a Facebook Posting about this website, former district 45 State Representate Stan Cave responded with this comment talking about a new Killian Timoney flyer that he had received.
Here's the flyer that Stan Cave received. You can click on either the front or back image for a larger copy. [references in red to "LIE" and "Lie" were added by myself]
Lie Number 1
Stan Cave and I are having the same allegic reaction to Killian Timoney calling himself a "Conservative". Stan says Timoney is a liar or stupid. I am going to me more precise; Timoney is not stupid. In case you missed it, on the home page of, here's the Family Foundation Voter Guide Rating of Killian Timoney and Thomas Jefferson his challenger in this race. Republican Thomas Jefferson is actually a conservative; Timoney is NOT.
The Family Foundation concludes that Killian Timoney "leans liberal". Let me be even clearer, NO Republican lawmaker in Frankfort leans more liberal than Killian Timoney.
Lie Number 2
Kentucky Right to Life has issued a "recommended" for Thomas Jefferson, but did NOT issue the same for Killian Timoney. In their explanation about Killian Timoney they said:
Why would Timoney lie and say that he is a Conservative? That's simple, the VAST majority of Republican voters in District 45 are conservatives and they want conservative candidates.
More Lies?
Andrew Cooperrider takes a closer look at Timoney's "Conservative Record" which listed his supposed accomplishments here:
Here are some questions you can ask yourself if you are still wondering if Killian Timoney is a liar.
And that $50,000 means this will not be the only flyer that voters in District 45 will be receiving from Timoney or liberal groups trying to spread more lies about Timoney and his opponent Thomas Jefferson. Get ready for it, there are MANY MORE flyers and lies coming.
Mailer Number 2
The first thing you need to do when you get one of these flyers is to look carefully for the fine print that tells you who sent it. On this flyer you will find that in the top left corner of the front page. It says:
So in fairness to Timoney, this is NOT his flyer. This was produced by a group called "Kentuckians for Patient Access". Who are they? That's the first question you need to ask.
The domain name was registered in 2023, and the website did not exist until 2024.
These folks call Killian Timoney "A Conservative Champion". I'll bet they would also call Joe Biden a conservative champion. They probably think Andy Beshear is a conservatice champion.
No references to patients and healthcare, but they do drone on about "schools". They should qualify that by saying "public schools". Timoney is all for public schools. More money for public schools but NOT a DIME for private schools. In reality Timoney hates private schools, referred to them as "road kill". He voted against House Bill 2, an amendment to the Constitution that would open up for some public funding for private and charter schools. Timoney and his public school mafia (teachers unions) want to protect their monopoly and continue to demand more and more money from Kentucky taxpayers.
Mailer Number 3
This newest large mailer is from the Timoney campaign itself. Not only is Timoney a dependable vote for the Democrats in Frankfort, his political messaging and advertising is starting to look very Democrat as well.
I want to examine this mailer by asking questions.
By sharp contrast, here's Thomas Jefferson's two required reports (filed on time):
One thing is for sure, with the modest amount of funding in the Jefferson campaign, you won't be seeing the big glossy mailers and advertising from the Jefferson campaign that you are getting from Timoney. When Timoney finally gets around to filing his report the numbers will be stunning by contrast to Jefferson.
What values are those? Boys playing in girls sports? Gender surgery for children? Maybe those are your values? Maybe you are a Democrat? Timoney is certainly your guy if that is the case.
Timoney's flyer offers this BIG LIE: In listing his conservative accomplishments Killian Timoney wraps up his list with an OUTRIGHT LIE. Timoney claims to have voted to stop DEI in colleges and universities.
Click on the following image to watch a video to see the REAL Killian Timoney, in his own words.
The voting record shows he voted to support DEI. Timoney was the ONLY Republican to vote against the ban on DEI (Senate Bill 6). Timoney was the lone Republican joining ALL the Democrats in opposition to the Republicans (and that was NOT THE FIRST TIME). Click here or on the image below to see a very clear breakdown of the votes, and the party affiliation of each person who voted.
Timoney's flyer began his list of accomplishment with this hyper-inflated tale about being opposed to abortion: If that is true, why was Killian Timoney not endorsed by Kentucky Right to Life? Scroll up, you can see he did NOT get endorsed or even recommended by Kentucky Right to Life. Why? The answer is House Bill 711 where Timoney sponsored legislation that provided a rape/incest exception that was nothing but a loophole that would let anyone get an abortion by simply writing the word "rape" on a doctor's form.
The three statements I would like you to consider are, "Christian", "stand up to Joe Biden's allies in Frankfort" and "our shared values".
Mailer Number 4
This is the first attack mailer/ad from Timoney allies upon Thomas Jefferson. Once again, read who is responsible for the mailing. On this flyer you will find that in the top left corner of the front page. It says:
In fairness to Timoney, this is NOT his flyer. This was produced by a group called "Kentucky Conservative Alliance". The deception starts right there. This is a "Super PAC" operated by close allies of Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell is not a Republican I would use the word "conservative" to describe. The "alliance" have dumped an enormous amount of money into this race; $253,329. Here's their filing disclosing that:
For the next 10 days you are going to sees a Tsunami of ads from this bunch. The nature of the advertising will be just like what is in this first mailer that they have published.
I have seen the sort of ads this group produces before and this is more of the same. Their ads contain personal attacks, taking statements out of context and extrapolating allegations that are intended to deceive.
The genesis of this attack and deception is found on the back:
Here we see a photoshopped image of Thomas Jefferson, holding a sign saying "Make it available in All Places". Make "what" available in all places? The caption above says "gambling". And that's the genesis of the entire mailer, and from that they imply Jefferson wants ALL kinds of gambling everywhere in Kentucky.
Mailer Number 5
This is the first mailer/ad paid for by the Kentucky Horse racing industry, in which they heap praise upon Killian Timoney. If you read my comments about gambling, and recognize that Timoney is in the pocket of Kentucky Horse racing (Jefferson is not), then you will easily understand that this is a "payoff" by that group for their man in Frankfort - Killian Timoney. Once again, here's who is responsible for the mailing.
And when they use the term "Friends of Kentucky Racing" to describe their group, that's no joke. Keep in mind this is now the third group that has entered the mailer blizzard on behalf of Timoney, and this will be additional money being spent above and beyond the money being spent by the friends of McConnell PAC and the teachers union. Will all that money buy your vote?
Here's the back page of the mailer.
I've talked about these claims before, let's move on. We have a pile of mailers to go, and it just goes from bad to worse to outrageous.
Mailer Number 6
This is the first attack mailer/ad by Timoney himself on Thomas Jefferson. It is clear that Timoney is beginning to realize that voters are much more informed about his VERY liberal voting record than they were when this campaign began in January.
Therefore, Timoney is PERSONALLY to blame for everything that is on this mailer, and the content of this mailer underlines that Timoney is a bold faced liar happy to tell multiple HUGE LIES about Thomas Jefferson. Let's take a look at the first page:
Timoney says that Jefferson is supporting Black Lives Matter (LIE), supports the radical Green New Deal (LIE), champions gender ideology (LIE) and DEI policies (LIE).
Do you see how Timoney snuck in "Defund the Police"?
Mailer Number 7
This is the second attack mailer/ad by Timoney himself on Thomas Jefferson. Now he's accusing Timoney of being "woke". Here's the front page, just piled full of more lies.
Timoney lists Amazon, Proctor and Gamble, and Walt Disney of being in cahoots with the Jefferson campaign. In case you missed it Click here to see the list of Thomas Jefferson's contributors. Are those companies on the list? NO. Do the people on the list work for those companies? Do the people on the list buy products from Amazon, Proctor and Gamble, and Walt Disney? They probably do, and so does Timoney, and so do you. Is that "evidence" for these bold face lies? No, the bold faced lies are being told by a desperate, liberal politician who himself has voted in support of DEI and the transgender agenda; none of which Thomas Jefferson supports.
Actually, the two Thomas Jeffersons may have a lot more in common in their elections than Timoney would have you believe. Here's a video compilation of the attacks on President Thomas Jefferson when he ran for office (click on the video screen below to watch).
Is it just me, or does that sound a lot like the Killian Timoney ads?
If you can't find any real negative stuff about a person, you just have to make it up and spend a lot of money to repeat the lies over and over. Will it work? That's up to the voters.
Click Here For Mailer Number 2
Click Here For Mailer Number 3 (Click Here to see HUGE LIE in this mailer)
Click Here For Mailer Number 4 Viva Las Nicholasville
Click Here For Mailer Number 5 Timoney's Horse Racing Payoff
Click Here For Mailer Number 6 Timoney Claims Jefferson profiting from protestors
Click Here For Mailer Number 7 Timoney accuses Jefferson of being "Woke"
Decision NOT to endorse based on several factors. Co-Sponsored Pro-Abortion Legislation HB711. "Declined" to respond to KY RTL 2024 ProLife Candidate Questionnaire.
Why would Timoney lie and say that he is ProLife? That's also simple, the VAST majority of Republican voters in District 45 are ProLife and they want candidates who will protect unborn children.
Most Democrats want liberals but this is NOT a general election, this is a primary and ONLY Republicans will decide who wins; Conservative Thomas Jefferson or Liberal Killian Timoney. And Timoney can't win that primary admitting he's a liberal so he has to LIE and call himself a conservative and claim that he is ProLife.
Click here or on the image below to listen to Andrew explain this list in more detail:
Timoney is hoping that voters are not paying attention, that they will believe his lies and vote for him because they are ignorant about what he's been doing in Frankfort.
In the over 1,200 surveys that have I conducted in State House District 45, 85% of Republicans have NO IDEA how Killian Timoney votes. Many, at the time, did not even know that he was their State Representative. They will know now that he has sent this flyer, but they are being told the exact opposite about what kind of Republican he really is. We must spread the word about this.
Go back and read what Stan Cave said. The Republicans in Frankfort know exactly what Killian Timoney has been up to and they don't like it. You shouldn't either. Don't be shy, phone and email your Republican friends. Make sure that they know that Killian Timoney must be FIRED on May 21st. Do that by voting for Thomas Jefferson.
Would a conservative vote for Biological Boys in Girl's Sports?
Would a conservative vote for Gender altering surgery for children? Timoney Voted For It!
Would a conservative sponsor a bill Creating a Loophole to make abortion easier to get? Timoney Sponsored It!
Would a conservative sponsor a bill Making it harder for parents to homeschool? Timoney Sponsored It!
Would a conservative receive $50,000 in campaign funding from a teacher's union? $50,000 is what they are spending to elect Timoney in this Republican primary!
Please contact me if you receive a new flyer. I'll make arrangements to obtain it from you and do some critical analysis to expose what are certain to be more lies. In the end, lies are all that Timoney has in this race because he can't run on a record that demonstrates he's really a RINO (Republican in Name Only).
I took a look on the web and you can Click Here to find their website. See if you can find out who they are - I couldn't. No contact information at all; NO TRANSPARENCY. Why is a group from Nashville interested in a state representative in Kentucky?
Took a look to see when they registered their domain name. Found this (click on the image for more info):
I asked a friend if he knew about them, and he said "My guess is they are a dark money group supporting establishment RINOs over conservatives." Excellent guess.
Let's look at the flyer:
"Real results"; not even close. Killian Timoney votes with Democrats more than any of the other 78 Republican State representatives in Frankfort. He's doing whatever he can to STOP any conservative agenda and has sponsored (with Democrats and other RINOs) some VERY liberal bills. See above and go to to read more.
Let's take a look at the back. The first thing I want you to ask youself is why a Nashville organization, that exists to advance people's access to medical care, is advocating for Timony when there is NOT one word on this entire flyer, front or back, about patient health care?
The important message is at the bottom of the page. The Republican primary is May 21st. We can't get rid of RINOs like Timoney if you don't vote in primaries. Timoney's opponent in this primary is a Real Conservative, Thomas Jefferson.
It's time to send Timoney and his friends from Nashville packing.
The obvious first question is, "What does a photo of a politician holding a young child say about that politicians actions as an elected representative?" The answer is "nothing", but it does makes people go, "Ahhhhh, he's a nice man".
Folks, this is a primary election for someone who is going to represent you as your Republican nominee in the November election. We need to examine the conduct of Killian Timoney as a politician given that he is the incumbent. Timoney has a voting record you ignore at our peril. There are red flags everywhere.
As background, after the November 2023 general election, I began doing a four question telephone survey of Republicans in the 45th House district. My third question is:
3. Your state representative is Republican Killian Timoney. Two groups, the Family Foundation and the American Conservative Union, have both ranked Killian Timoney the most liberal Republican state representative in Kentucky. Were you aware of any of that?
Up until recently the answer to that question was "NO" for about 85% of the voters in the 45th House District. In fact many told me they had never heard the name Killian Timoney before (and these are Republicans who vote routinely). Despite the fact that Killian Timony had been elected for two terms as state representative, 85% of Republican voters were completely unaware of what he had been up to.
In the last couple of weeks the 45th district has been bombarded with political mailers telling Republican voters that Killian Timony is a conservative champion. This latest mailer says, "Killian Timoney is a rock ribbed conservative", a "Voice for Our Values". Really? But only a month ago most Republicans in that district didn't even know that Timoney was their state representative. Now when I talk to Republicans they suddenly know the name. Why? Simple, they have been bombarded with these flyers.
This is VERY expensive advertising. It costs thousands and thousands of dollars. Where is the money coming from? Who's funding Timoney's campaign? How much money are outside groups spending on getting Timoney re-elected in a Republican primary? I'd like to share more but as of April 30, 2024, Timoney is OVERDUE on his latest KREF filing (financial reporting required by Kentucky law; that report was due April 23rd)). Here's what you can see about Timoney's election campaign finances as of today (April 30th).
And with so little money, why is Thomas Jefferson a candidate that is causing Timoney and his far left supporters to spend tens of thousands of dollars to get Timoney re-elected? The answer is simple, Timoney is NOT a conservative, he's a liberal. The grass roots campaign of Thomas Jefferson has been educating voters to that fact and Timoney is now finding himself having to work overtime, with big money ads, to broadcast lies that he is a conservative champion, a "rock ribbed conservative". Honestly, what real Kentucky conservative describes themselves as "a rock ribbed conservative"?
Timoney describes himself as:
And finally three things about this comment from Timoney's flyer:
That's the second time Timoney talks about "our values". He says he shares your values. He believes it's OK for boys to compete in girls' sports. He believes it is OK for gender surgery and puberty blockers for minors. Are those your values? They are certainly the values of Joe Biden and his biggest ally in Frankfort, Andy Beshear. Did Timoney stand up for your values against Beshear? NO he did not. When Beshear vetoed the Republican ban on boys in girls' sporta and gender altering surgery for minors, Timoney voted against the majority of Republicans who overrode Beshear's vetoes of those laws. Timoney supported Beshear's vetoes.
And finally, just what kind of Christian is Timoney? I believe he's a Christian like Joe Biden. In fact when confronted about his votes for boys in girls' sports and gender surgery for children at a meeting of the Fayette County Republican party, Timoney referred to his Christian faith as the basis and reason for his votes. Killian Timoney shares the Christian values of Joe Biden much more than most Republicans would be comfortable with. The question is, "Does he share your Christian values?" He doesn't share mine.
This mailer begins with a "name calling" attack giving Thomas Jefferson the nickname "Jackpot". Those so called "dignified" McConnell folks always like to lecture us about how they don't like those who give derogatory nicknames to others, but they have no reservation about doing that here.
They then prominently add the photo of the famous Las Vegas sign, amended to substitute "Nicholasville", implying that somehow Thomas Jefferson wants to turn Nicholasville into Las Vegas; a completely false and misleading allegation. Where is all this coming from?
The quote, taken out of context from Jefferson, was from a discussion where Jefferson was responding to the fact that the Kentucky legislature had passed a bill, House Bill 551, that expanded gambling at Kentucky's horse tracks. This included gambling machines, not unlike the old slot machines typically found in Las Vegas. And just who voted to expand gambling at Kentucky's Horse Tracks? Why none other than Killian Timoney. Have a look.
So why did Jefferson say "Make it available in All Places"? The comments came from the fact that another bill related to gambling was passed: House Bill 594
This bill specifically addressed "gray machines", which are video game machines that payout cash. These machines were popping up in gas stations and other places that you would typically find Kentucky's lottery tickets being sold. Did anyone happen to mention that lottery tickets are also gambling?
The machines in question, which are completely legal at Kentucky horse tracks, interfere with the MONOPOLY that has been bestowed upon the Kentucky horse racing industry by the Kentucky legislature. Given the popularity of the gray machines, the legislature passed another law saying that the gray machines were illegal, except for the horse racing tracks. And once again, in alliance with the Kentucky horse racing industry (big campaign donors), Timoney voted to protect their monopoly. Jefferson, who takes issue with the gambling monopoly being given to the horse racing industry, made the point "Make it available in All Places".
It is clear that the McConnell group supports this gambling monopoly, and because Timoney supports the gambling monopoly, are backing Timoney and attacking Jefferson for calling out their hypocrisy. Timoney has NO PROBLEM with all the other gambling that is going on in Kentucky already, and clearly Timoney VOTED FOR gambling.
Here's the front page of the mailer:
Most Republicans who have learned about Timoney voting for boys in girls' sports, and voting for transgender surgery for childrn under 18, are ANGRY. They are angry when Democrats do this stuff, but they are REALLY angry when a Republican does it. Those Republican feel betrayed and they are disgusted. All the feel good material that Timoney and his friends have been producing and sending up to this point has NOT fixed his problem; and his problem is HUGE. None of that changes the FACT that Timoney has been voting with the Democrats on very important issues that matter for conservative Republicans.
So what can Timoney do? He can try to make Thomas Jefferson look evil and a worse Republican than he is, and Timoney and his friends have less than 2 weeks to do it. They are not just slinging mud, they are pouring out a mudslide of attacks on Jefferson. That desperation is on full display in this mailer.
Let's begin by noting who is responsible for the mailing. On this flyer you will find it in the top left corner of the front page which says:
To prove this, he points to Thomas Jefferson's Financial disclosures as the "evidence" for these Timoney lies. Click here to see a list of contributors and their contributions to Jefferson, check it out yourslf. (NOTE: info taken directly from KREF website)
To date there have been 55 individual contributions to Jefferson's campaign for a total of $14,225. The list, which you can Click here to see yourself, is sorted by largest contribution to smallest. The largest single contribution was from the candidate himself, who put in $5,000. That means that people other than Jefferson have contributed less than $10,000.
Have a look at the list, and tell me who are the suppoters of Black Lives Matter, Green New Deal, gender ideology and DEI? Who are they? You can't tell me because they are NOT there.
You won't find anyone from those groups because Killian Timoney is a liar, and made all these allegations up. Timoney needs to take a long hot shower and go straight to confession. The back page doubles down on the lies.
I want you to remember something, and think long and hard about it. Timoney is a big shot in the public school system. He has been a teacher, a principal and is now an administrator. This is a guy who is VERY responsible for what is going on in public schools.
And here's the back page:
Just in... Here's a TV attack ad against Thomas Jefferson; the one running for State Representative:
Contact Information: You can send your communications about this page to the website author and publisher, Robert L (Bob) Barney, or call or text him at (859) 552-4644 (mailing address: 517 Talbott Drive, Wilmore, KY 40390)